参照:AppleInsider WSJ's Mossberg calls iPhone a 'breakthrough handheld computer'
Despite some flaws and feature omissions, the iPhone is, on balance, a beautiful and breakthrough handheld computer, writes the Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg, who on Tuesday published the first official review of the inaugural Apple handset.
On the upside
- The iPhone's virtual keyboard "turned out in our tests to be a nonissue." After five days of use, Walt "was able to type on it as quickly and accurately as he could on the Palm Treo he has used for years."
- iPhone does work overseas, but only via an AT&T roaming plan.
- The initial iPhone model cannot be upgraded to use the faster [3G] networks.
- When you have access to Wi-Fi, the iPhone flies on the Web. "Not only that, but the iPhone automatically switches from EDGE to known Wi-Fi networks when it finds them, and pops up a list of new Wi-Fi networks it encounters as you move."
- iPhone is thinner than the skinny Samsung BlackJack.
- While iPhone does pick up smudges, it didn't acquire a single scratch during the two-week period, even though it was tossed into Walt's pocket or briefcase (and Katie's purse) without any protective case or holster. "No scratches appeared on the rest of the body either."
On the downside
- "The phone is about as long as the Treo 700, the BlackBerry 8800 or the BlackJack, but it's slightly wider than the BlackJack or Treo, and heavier than the BlackBerry and BlackJack."
- "While the iPhone uses the standard iPod port on the bottom edge, it doesn't recognize all car adapters for playing music, only for charging." Walt claims Apple is considering a software update to fix this.
- "There's no overall search on the iPhone (except Web searching), and no quick way to move to the top or bottom of pages (except in the Web browser)."
- "There's also no way to cut, copy, or paste text."
- "If you are playing music while doing something else, the lack of hardware playback buttons forces you to return to the iPod program to stop the music or change a song."
- "The error-correction system didn't seem as clever as the one on the BlackBerry, and you have to switch to a different keyboard view to insert a period or comma, which is annoying."
- "It can also handle corporate email using Microsoft's Exchange system, if your IT department cooperates by enabling a setting on the server."
- No BlackBerry email services but Yahoo Mail's free BlackBerry-style "push" email to iPhone users "worked fine."
- iPhone can view, but can't edit or save Word or Excel files.
- "Its battery life is excellent. In our tests, it got seven hours and 18 minutes of continuous talk time, while the Wi-Fi was on and email was constantly being fetched in the background."
- Under the same conditions, Walt got 22 hours of music playback, over 9 hours for Internet usage, and seven hours -- enough to watch 4 average movies -- for video.
- The phone interface takes more taps to reach than on many other smart phones, because there are no dedicated hardware phone buttons. You also cannot just start typing a name or number, but must scroll through a list of favorites.
- "Voice call quality was good, but not great. In some places, especially in weak coverage areas, there was some muffling or garbling."
- "While its two megapixel camera took excellent pictures in our tests, it can't record video."
- "Its otherwise excellent Web browser can't fully utilize some Web sites, because it doesn't yet support Adobe's Flash technology."
- Can't use songs on iPhone's iPod as ringtones.
- "Apple says it plans to add features to the phone over time, via free downloads, and hints that some of these holes may be filled."
- キーボードが使いやすい
- AT&Tのローミングサービスを使えば、海外でも利用可能
- 最初のiPhoneでは3Gネットワークでの利用は不可
- WiFI接続はシームレスにAPを繋ぎ変え可能
- ケースなどがなくても2週間で傷はついていない
- BlackBerryと比べると、少し横長で思い
- 標準のiPodポートが車で利用できないものがある。(SWアップデートで解消?)
- 全体的な検索機能がなく、画面の一番上と下に行く方法がない
- カット、コピー、ペーストできない
- 音楽を再生しているときに他のことをしていても、iPod操作画面に戻る必要がある
- 文字の?エラー訂正が賢くない。コンマやピリオドのたびにキーボード切り替え必要あり
- 設定をすればExchangeを利用すれば、社内メール利用可能。
- BlackBerryのメールサービスは利用不可。YAHOOのPUSHメールは利用可能
- ExcelやWordを見れるけど、編集できない
- バッテリーは良い。メールを都度更新しながら、7時間18分話せた。
- 22時間音楽が聴けて、9時間インターネットが使えた。ビデオは7時間見れた。
- 電話をする際、人の名前や電話番号を打てずに、Favoriteまでスクロールする必要あり。
- 訳違うかも
- 音声は良くも悪くもない。電波が弱くなるとこもった感じ
- 写真は綺麗に取れる。ビデオはない。
- Flashをサポートしていないので、十分なWebブラウザが出来ないときあり。
- 着信音にiPodの楽曲が使えない
- 不具合解消のために、フリーダウンロードでの機能追加あり。