6:00 aki
参照:6G iPod User Interface Redesign
There have been rumors that the next "6th Generation" iPod could be released as early as August 7th, 2007. According to some sources, the new iPod may still be housed in the traditional click-wheel design rather than moving to a full touch-screen design like the new iPhone.
An anonymous source now claims that the iPod interface will be revamped to a more visual interface, with iPhone-like design elements and transitions. The new interface will incorporate Ken Burns album art transitions, Cover Flow and a new split-screen interface. The overall look and feel will be familiar to current iPod owners but have the additional visual flair.
It's not yet clear if OS X is hidden behind this new user interface, but Steve Jobs had recently revealed that they are working on OS X based iPods.
The following interface videos have also been provided, and though their authenticity can't be guaranteed, they certainly look convincing. The Beatles' albums appear to play a large role in the interface videos, suggesting that online Beatles sales will launch concurrently with the 6G iPod's release.
次期iPodはiPhoneライクではなく、現在のiPodを踏襲した形で発売されるとの噂でした orz...